I’ve killed 5 huge cockroaches in our flat in the last 3 days. And I mean HUGE. Before this week, we’d only seen one roach every now and again. Maybe it’s the season change? Or maybe the pipes in the building are being worked on, forcing the cockroaches to flee? Either way, this is no good and I’m waging a full-out war on roaches. Naphthalene balls, boric acid, that chalky pen thing, roach spray… I’m going for ALL of it. Those damn roaches will be sorry they ever messed with Flat 10F.
Current cockroach death count: 5
1 comment:
when heidi and i were living in our first beijing apartment, we used to play a game upon coming home after a night of drinking (believe me, vodka is needed to fortify one's soul for such activities): we would sit in the dark and then turn on the lights, then all the roaches would scurry around in the light and we would stomp on them or whack them with newspapers. fun times.
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