Tuesday, June 9, 2009

my brain is melting

My last day of work at SAATHII is a week from today, so I'm trying to wrap everything up, but it's been a little difficult the last few days because of the following reasons:

1) My laptop (finally) died. I guess all the sand in Cairo, and now the humidity in Calcutta, has finally gotten the best of it. I'm using a desktop at the office, but I can't take any work home.
2) There's been some major load shedding (aka rolling blackouts). Today, we didn't have power for three hours.
3) My brain is melting in the heat. There's no AC in the office and the load shedding puts the fans out of commission.

Can't wait to head to the mountains.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

roof envy

This is the green roof of a building next to ours. Who knew that Calcuttans are environmentally-conscious? I was thinking about trying to befriend someone in that building so that I could hang out up there. But then I remembered that I'm lazy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

where's my icy hot?

I've turned into a Bengali Uncle. See before and after pictures below for proof: