Bulky and oddly shaped, shoes are a pain to pack. There's a metaphor for travel in there somewhere.
Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2008
durga puja

Friday, October 24, 2008
civic dutifulness
Monday, October 20, 2008
what's my deal?
Before I arrived in
Scenario #1: At Metropolitan Supermarket
Me: Where can I find the gram flour?
Salesman: (leads me to aisle) Over here.
Me: Do you have smaller bags?
Salesman: (points it out, then takes a good look at me) Do you live abroad?
Me: (incredulous) Yes.
Scenario #2: On
Bengali Vegetable Vendor: (looks to face me)
Me: Which way to
Bengali Vegetable Vendor: (in Hindi) You go straight, and then turn right.
Me: (continuing in Bengali) The next right, or the one after?
Bengali Vegetable Vendor: (still in Hindi) The one after.
Scenario #3: At the metro ticket counter
Me: Give me five four-rupee tickets please.
Ticket guy: All on one ticket?
Me: No, separate ones.
Ticket guy: (giving me the tickets) Have you come from
Me: (less incredulous that in Scenario #1) Yes.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
they don't make passport pics like they used to
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Here's a pic that I think represents my transition from Egypt to India... a detail of Arabic calligraphy on the Taj Mahal.